Alma Lodge to host the 20th Annual Michigan Elks Field of Honor

Alma Lodge to host the 20th Annual Michigan Elks Field of Honor

The dedication of the 20th Anniversary of the Michigan Elks Field of Honor will take place at 2pm on May 4, 2025 at Alma Lodge. If you have never attended this spectacular event, please mark it on your calendar to attend. We invite all Lodges to purchase a 3”x5’ flag for $20 to represent their Lodge. When the Field is dismantled on June 14th these flags will be the purchaser’s to keep along with the pole and the tag.
Lunch will be served before the ceremony from 11:30 until 1:30 and the Lodge will be open at 11 am for refreshments and conversation.
The ceremony begins with the National Anthem. The Michigan Elks President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President and the Exalted Ruler of Alma Lodge will each talk briefly about this event. The Forgotten Eagles will bring in the 10 flags for the Military Field on their motorcycles and hand them off to the ten individuals who will place them in the Military Field. The anthems and/or drum roll will be played as each flag representing the branches of the military, EMS/EMT, Police, Fire are placed. The last flag to be placed in the Field is the MIA/POW which will enter accompanied by “Amazing Grace”.
The Alma VFW Color Guard will then perform their 21 Gun Salute and Taps.
Every individual flag will then be announced and placed as the grounds of the Alma Lodge fill with 3’x5’ American flags until an awe-inspiring site is created.
We will then recite the Pledge of Allegiance and while “God Bless the U.S.A.” is sung we hold hands as the State officers wave a large American flag.
There will be Military vehicles and Denny G’s Vietnam jeep covered with Veteran’s signatures. Any Veteran is entitled to sign the jeep. Alma Fire Departments will have vehicles on the premises with the large Alma fire truck displaying the huge American flag on it’s raised ladder. This flag was donated to them by the Alma Elks.
After the ceremony the Lodge will continue to be open for refreshments and conversation for a couple of hours.
We would appreciate it greatly if every Lodge could be represented with a Lodge flag for $20 and additional flags for $25 from their members. All flags will be given to the purchasers after the Field is dismantled on June 14, 2025 after the Alma Elks Flag Day Ceremony.
Flags may be purchased in honor or in memory of any individual, although the majority of the flags will be for Military personnel or Veterans.

Randy Boudreau and Elaine Helman-Boudreau
Co-Chairs of the Michigan Elks Field of Honor at Alma Lodge.

Any questions, contact or 989-506-6332 and leave a message.

Randall Boudreau
Randall Boudreau

Co-Chair of the Michigan Elks Field of Honor at Alma Lodge #1400

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