The Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 and Elks National Veterans Service Commission will be hosting a FREE “Veterans Appreciation Day” and Luncheon on Wednesday, May 22nd from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in our banquet facility at Elks Lodge 343. This event is open to all Veterans & Spouses. Assisting our team will be the Detroit VA Health Care System, St. Clair County Department of Veterans Affairs, St. Clair County Department of Mental Health, and McLaren-Port Huron Yale VA Clinic. Besides the benefits specialist from these organizations meeting with the Veterans, we will be offering free haircuts, Dr. Christopher J. Zimmer will be offering free Chiropractic relief, Amy Pavlov will be offering free Therapeutic Massage, Niall R. Farley the Veterans and Records Coordinator from SCCCC will be providing information on available education support and we will have so much more.