State Proclamation Visit
Macomb Lodge #2292 June 4th

About the Michigan Elks
The Michigan Elks Association was started in 1904. The Michigan Elks Association sponsors the Michigan Major Projects and our Michigan Elks charitable fund “The Gold Key” helps special needs children after high school. As of today we have 53 active lodges in our state with a combined membership of 20,000 members.

Dave Sladek, MEA President; Ron Oja, Administrator
Why Should You Become an Elk
The Order spends more than $80,000,000 every year for benevolent, educational and patriotic community-minded programs in such fields as benefitting special needs children, sponsoring Elks National Foundation scholarships, scouting, athletic teams, veterans’ works, a national “Hoop Shoot” free-throw contest involving more than 3 million children, physical and occupational therapy programs and patriotic programs.
Become a member
Elks Support the Community
Elks invest in their communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, meet the needs of today’s veterans, and improve the quality of life.