On November 8th Bay City Elks Lodge 88 presented the Saginaw Aleda E. Lutz VA Medical Center with an autographed Saginaw Spirit Jersey from the Military Appreciation hockey game that was sponsored by the Northeast District of the Michigan Elks...
The Escanaba Elks Lodge 354 hosted their annual Lewis fish party October 29th. Guests enjoyed a large selection of food along with fresh white fish. A truck load of new pajamas, mittens and hats, along with gently used jackets and...
On August 25th, the Escanaba Elks 354 co-hosted a veteran’s picnic before the Escanaba Eskymo High School football game. All local veterans were invited to come enjoy a picnic style meal with their families. Pictured are local Elks members Lem...
Macomb, Michigan Lodge 2292 has supported Big Family of Michigan through a donation of $10,400. Located in St. Clair Shores, the organization’s mission is to support and serve the needs of foster children, institutionalized children and grandchildren raised by their...
The annual St. Clair County Allied Honor Guard Veterans held their annual picnic on Sunday, July 31st, 2022 at the VFW Post 382 in St. Clair, Michigan. This year’s theme was “Mash” attire with over 60 Veterans of all branches,...